Wow, what a weekend! It was amazing being at Toronto ComiCon over the weekend. It was my first time having a table and meeting the public to let them know about Chronokari Alpha and my novella, Time is Relative. Thanks to everyone who came by and spent time chatting and taking a look at the book as well as the artwork that I had on display. It was great getting all of the positive feedback on Chronokari and after the weekend I can’t wait for the next convention to help spread the word on Miles and Derrick’s timely adventures.
I learned a lot being at the Toronto ComiCon. I’ve been to conventions like this before but never with my own publishing company, Boeboe Creative. I had to organize the table with Fan Expo Canada, get banners, look after the printing of posters and figure out what type of display I was going to use. It was quite a learning experience, but I have a pretty good idea of how to improve on what I had over the weekend. My setup was great but being a rookie in Artist Alley it sort of felt like I was in the middle of Times Square – and I didn’t have enough electricity or a high enough building. That being said I did get a lot of traffic at my table in Artist Alley and received a lot of enthusiastic responses from people on Chronokari Alpha and the other projects published by Boeboe, Edge: East Wind in Paradise and Comix Asylum Magazine.
I couldn’t have made it through the weekend without the contributions of some very special people. Vaughn, Peter, Anastasia, Damien, Marvin and Hugh helped to make my first solo show a success. I would also like to thank my friends who came down to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to lend their support . A warm thank you to all of you.
Next up is a day or two to rest and collect my thoughts before charting which conventions I will go to next. This the beginning of the Chronokari Alpha promotional tour and there will be many more stops on this road.